F-7 Notice Submission Form

/F-7 Notice Submission Form
F-7 Notice Submission Form
F-7 Notice Submission Form

F-7 Notice To the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

OMB NO. 3076-0004

Expires 12-31-2027

FMCS accepts the “FMCS F-7 Notice” as required by Section 8(d)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Please note that FMCS does NOT send F-7 notices to State agencies. You can view the NLRA here directly on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) website.

When submitted, this online form provides you with a confirmation number for proof of submission and future reference. Please retain your confirmation number to reference in future communication with FMCS personnel.

  1. The F-7 notice and confirmation number that you receive will be sent to the official filer and the chief negotiators/representatives of both parties via email.
  2. FMCS is not responsible for inaccurate information entered into this form.
  3. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by this form. To ensure proper submission, please use any current browser (i.e., Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
  4. FMCS no longer accepts F7 Notice submissions by phone, mail or email.

* = required field

Please avoid typographic errors to avoid processing delays. Please do not use all capital letters when completing the form.

Notice Background

Employer Information

Employer Chief Negotiator or Labor Relations Director


CBA and Bargaining Unit Information

Expiring existing contract

Mid-term re-opener of existing contract

Initial or First contracts usually do not file. This may cause a duplication in the system since we are already notified by the NLRB. These cases automatically get assigned a mediator and you should be contacted shortly. If you need a mediator, email us at clientservices@fmcs.gov and indicate that your mediator request is related to an initial contract and who the involved parties are.

Location of Negotiation

Union Information

Union Chief Negotiator or Business Agent


Official Filing This Notice

Please be patient while submitting your F-7 to FMCS. Do not click the 'Submit' button more than once. Doing so may cause a duplicate submission and no confirmation page.

  1. The confirmation that you submitted the F-7 Notice will be sent to the filer and the chief negotiators/representatives of both parties via e-mail
  2. You should receive a date time AND a confirmation number on the page you receive after you submit online

If there is no confirmation number on the page your notice was not successfully received. Please contact FMCS if this occurs at F7notice@fmcs.gov

Some required field are missing information.
Please scroll up and fill them in and resubmit.
Privacy Act Statement. 29 U.S.C. § 172, et seq., authorize the FMCS to require the reporting of this information. The primary use of the information on this form is to allow FMCS officials to provide mediation services. Additional disclosures of the information on this report may be made: (1) to a Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency if FMCS becomes aware of a violation or potential violation of law or regulation; (2) to a court or party in a court or Federal administrative proceeding if the Government is a party or in order to comply with a judge-issued subpoena; (3) to the National Archives and Records Administration or the General Services Administration in record management inspections; (4) to the Office of Management and Budget during legislative coordination on private relief legislation; and (5) in a judicial or administrative proceeding if the information is relevant to the subject matter.(6) This information may be used by FMCS to contact parties concerning trainings, events, presentations, conferences, and other education opportunities and programs. This information will not be disclosed to any requesting person unless authorized by law. Failure to provide the requested information could result in FMCS’s delay or inability to provide services.